Central Laboratory Clinical Chemistry | 29

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Description Reference number CE

mark Excel Methodology Contents Linearity Read (nm)

Glycohemoglobin Test (HbA1 and HbA1c)

0350-060 Optimised Ion-exchange resin procedure 60 tests STD: 1 x 1 mL HbA1: 4 - 20% HbA1c: 2.6 -16% 415

Iron & Total Iron Binding Capacity Test

0370-110 Ferrozine 110 tests R: 1 x 15 mL Buffer 1: 1 x 125 mL Buffer 2: 1 x 125 mL STD: 1 x 30 mL (500 mg/dL)

1000 mg/dL 560

LDH Liqui-UV® (Rate) 2940-430 Modified wacker R1: 4 x 25 mL R2: 1 x 20 mL 800 U/L 340 LDH Liqui-UV® (Rate) 2940-500 Modified wacker R1: 4 x 105 mL R2: 4 x 20 mL 800 U/L 340 Magnesium LiquiColor® 0130-430 Xylidyl blue R: 4 x 30 mL STD: 1 x 3 mL (2 mEq/L) 4.3 mEq/L 520 Phosphorus Liqui-UV® 0830-125 Phosphomolybdate R: 1 x 250 mL STD: 1 x 3 mL (10 mg/dL) 20 mg/dL 340

Potassium Liqui-UV® 0175-125 Enzymatic - K+ dependent pyruvate kinase R1: 4 x 25 mL R2: 1 x 25 mL 2 - 8 mmol/L 340

Potassium Test (Manual) 0160-050 Turbidimetric immunoassay 50 test STD: 1 x 3 mL (4 mmol/L) 10 mmol/L 580 Procalcitonin LiquiColor®

2300-060 Latex enhanced immunoturbidimetric R1: 1 x 45 mL R2: 1 x 15 mL 0.17 - 50 ng/mL 600

Protein Micro LiquiColor® (CSF/ Urine)

0345-212 Pyrogallol red / Colorimetric R: 1 x 250 mL STD: 1 x 3 mL (100 mg/dL) 150 mg/dL 600

Protein Total LiquiColor® 0250-500 Biuret reaction R: 2 x 250 mL STD: 1 x 3 mL (10 g/dL) 10 g/dL 550 Salicylate Liqui-UV® (Endpoint)

2410-051 Salicylate hydroxylase / NADH R1: 1 x 50 mL R2: 1 x 1 mL STD: 1 x 3 mL (300 mg/L)

1000 mg/L 340

Sodium LiquiColor® 0185-112 Enzymatic; Na+ depended β-galactosidase R1: 4 x 21 mL R2: 1 x 28 mL

100 - 180 mmol/L


Sodium Test (Manual) 0140-050 Uranyl acetate 50 tests STD: 1 x 6 mL (140 mmol/L) 160 mmol/L 420 Triglyceride LiquiColor® (Mono)

2200-430 Glycerylphosphate oxidase (GPO) R: 4 x 30 mL STD: 1 x 2 mL (200 mg/dL) 1000 mg/dL 500

Triglyceride LiquiColor® (Mono)

2200-225 Glycerylphosphate oxidase (GPO) R: 2 x 250 mL STD: 1 x 2 mL (200 mg/dL) 1000 mg/dL 500

Triglyeride LiquiColor® (Enzymatic)

2100-430 Glycerylphosphate oxidase (GPO) R1: 4 x 30 mL R2: 1 x 1.8 mL STD: 1 x 2 mL (200 mg/dL)

1000 mg/dL 500

Triglyeride LiquiColor® (Enzymatic)

2100-225 Glycerylphosphate oxidase (GPO) R1: 2 x 250 mL R2: 1 x 5.2 mL STD: 1 x 2 mL (200 mg/dL)

1000 mg/dL 500

Urea Nitrogen (BUN) Liqui-UV® (Rate)

2020-430 Modified urease R1: 4 x 25 mL R2: 1 x 20 mL STD: 1 x 3 mL (30 mg/dL)

140 mg/dL 340

Urea Nitrogen (BUN) Liqui-UV® (Rate)

2020-500 Modified urease R1: 4 x 105 mL R2: 4 x 20 mL STD: 1 x 3 mL (30 mg/dL)

140 mg/dL 340

Urea Nitrogen (BUN) Test

0580-250 Diacetylmonoxime

250 tests STD 1: 1 x 3 mL (25 mg/dL) STD 2: 1 x 3 mL (50 mg/dL) STD 3: 1 x 3 mL (75 mg/dL)

80 mg/dL 520

Uric Acid LiquiColor® (Enzymatic)

1045-430 Trinder R: 4 x 30 mL STD: 1 x 3 mL (8mg/dL) 20 mg/dL 520 Uric Acid LiquiColor® (Enzymatic)

1045-225 Trinder R: 2 x 250 mLSTD: 1 x 3 mL (8 mg/dL) 20 mg/dL 520

Liquid Reagent Powder Reagent

Ready to use liquid reagents from Stanbio Chemistry

STANBIOChemistry from EKF Diagnostics
