Develop a positive thinking style. Try to look at a problem at work differently or discuss it with someone. Accept the things you can t change and concentrate on the things you have control over. Take steps to manage your time better. Prioritize your tasks at work and if you can delegate to others, don t be afraid to do so.
Let employees unplug after work. A study by the University of LondonĀ found that multitasking during cognitive tasks causes a marked decline in IQ. Let your team know that it is OK at times to mark themselves as busy to get work done. Make team members aware of everything the company offers in the way of stress management, health facilities, nutrition counselling, mindfulness, and health and wellness programs. Encourage your team to make use of them. Performance management is another avenue for providing employees with opportunities for growth and development. When you have periodic discussions with employees about their goals and plans, take the time to explore together the next steps for growth, and make suggestions for how employees can achieve their goals.