Collaborating Characteristics: Understanding, Appreciative, Involving, Co-operative, Compromising, Trusting
The collaborating style typically works well with stakeholders who have an S-Steadiness DISC style; Support priority.
Gets buy-in early on
Involves others in the process
Encourages a variety of input
Involves building on others ideas
When to use:
You need information and experience from others to direct action or complete a task
A task requires the sustained energy of a team or group over a long time period
You want to develop the capabilities of the team or group members
The outcome requires an innovative solution
The outcome or task is unclear and you need to understand the situation better
Let me see if I have all the information about this situation
What do you think the problem is?
Let me ask you a question, when this occurs in your business unit, what do you typically do?
We re not meeting our required goal, what are your thoughts?