Delegation What About? Delegation is not abdication - simply passing on all the work to the team and blaming them when it goes wrong. Delegation is not allocating - assigning tasks for the day to people that have them as part of their job role.

Delegation is not piece-meal - saving the best tasks for yourself and giving the horrible tasks out as development .

Delegation which breeds a supportive, organised culture is: l Giving authority to another person to perform a task on your behalf l Providing initial training and coaching to help them l Monitoring the work in progress and after completion l Giving the person latitude in how they accomplish the task

Why delegate? l Better time management l Avoid being buried in routine tasks l Conflict reduction l Provide motivation and sense of being valued l Develop initiative in team members l Improve job satisfaction for you and team members l Increase productivity l Increase profitability

Guidelines l Reach agreement with colleagues for what he or she will be responsible l Ensure the person has the necessary authority to carry out the required decisions, actions and responsibilities l Reach agreement on work review regular meetings

The next section provides a structure to help delegate effectively.

what about?

what else ?

how to ?

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