The market gardener saves

2,200 tonnes of oil equivalent and 6,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year to cover its heating needs.

optimising the energy potential of waste incinerators

In 2016, a new kind of heating network saw the light of day at the Econotre eco-cluster near Toulouse, France, where market gardening greenhouses have been connected to the Decoset district s waste-to-energy recovery unit.

The waste-to-energy recovery unit uses the high-performance CHP+ technology patented by SUEZ to produce 100,000 MWh of electricity, representing the annual electricity consumption of 17,700 households, and up to 25,000 MWh of heat, which is used to warm the tomato greenhouses on the periphery of the site.

Thanks to this cogeneration of electrical energy and heat, Econotre achieves an energy performance of 86%, helping to reach the ambitious environmental targets of Occitanie, which intends to become the first energy-positive region in Europe by 2050.

1. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 30% in the entire scope of activity by 2030