a business Alliance for the sustainable management of water resources
The Business Alliance for Water and Climate (BAfWaC) was launched at the COP21. Its founding partners are the UN Global Compact s CEO Water Mandate, the CDP, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and SUEZ.
The Alliance currently includes 47 companies representing a total annual turnover of $650 billion and that are present in more than 100 countries. As an illustration of business capacity to take collective action to address issues of general interest, such as the protection of water resources, the goal of this Alliance is to help water management play a greater role in business strategy and, more specifically, to incite companies to develop collective action to protect the quality and availability of water in the catchment areas where they operate.
Through its platform for action, the Alliance brings together companies with a view to identifying opportunities for concrete and collective action, favouring the sharing of best practices and feedback, and sending formal messages from business to public policy-makers about the importance of water in climate policy.